Viewing and Filtering Event Logs
You can view events recorded in the Windows event logs using
the Eventquery utility. Eventquery flags set the format of the output, control
the level of detail, and allow you to use filters to include or exclude events
from the result set. When working with Eventquery, don’t overlook the power of
automation. You don’t have to run the command manually each time. Instead, you
can create a script to query the event logs on multiple systems and then save
the results to a file. If you copy that file to a published folder on an
intranet server, you can use your Web browser to examine event listings. Not
only will that save you time, it will give you a single location for examining
event logs and determining if there are issues that require further study.
Viewing Events and Formatting the Output
The basic syntax for Eventquery is
eventquery /l "LogName"
where LogName is the name of the log you
want to work with, such as “Application,” “System,” or “Directory Service.” In
this example, you examine the Application log:
eventquery /l "Application"
The output of this query would look similar to the following:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Listing the events in 'application' log of host 'MAILER1'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Type Event Date Time Source ComputerName------------- ------- ------------------------ ------------------- ------------Warning 9220 5/19/2004 4:38:01 PM MSExchangeMTA MAILER1Information 1001 5/19/2004 4:28:50 PM MSExchangeIS MAILER1Information 9600 5/19/2004 4:28:50 PM MSExchangeIS MAILER1Information 9523 5/19/2004 4:28:50 PM MSExchangeIS Publ MAILER1Information 9523 5/19/2004 4:28:49 PM MSExchangeIS Mail MAILER1Information 9523 5/19/2004 4:28:48 PM MSExchangeIS Publ MAILER1Information 9523 5/19/2004 4:28:47 PM MSExchangeIS Mail MAILER1Information 9523 5/19/2004 4:28:46 PM MSExchangeIS Mail MAILER1Information 3000 5/19/2004 4:28:45 PM MSExchangeIS Publ MAILER1Information 1133 5/19/2004 4:28:41 PM MSExchangeIS Publ MAILER1
As you can see, the output shows the Type, Event, Date Time,
Source, and ComputerName properties of events. Using the /V (verbose) option,
you can add category, user, and description properties to the output. Thus, if
you wanted a verbose view of the application log, you’d use the command:
eventquery /l "Application" /v
Note |
Technically, the quotation marks are necessary only when the
log name contains a space, as is the case with the DNS Server, Directory
Service, and File Replication Service logs. However, I recommend using the
quotation marks all the time; that way, you won’t forget them when they are
needed and they won’t cause your scripts or scheduled tasks to
Tip |
Unlike previous command-line utilities that we’ve worked
with, Eventquery is configured as a Windows script. If this is your first time
working with Windows scripts from the system’s command line or you’ve configured
WScript as the primary script host, you will need to set CScript as the default
script host. You do this by typing cscript // h:cscript //s at the command
prompt. This is necessary because you want to work with the command line rather
than with the GUI.
Real World |
Eventquery runs by default on the local computer with the
permissions of the user who is currently logged on. As necessary, you can also
specify the remote computer whose tasks you want to query and the Run As
permissions by using the expanded syntax which includes the following
/s Computer /u [Domain\]User [/p Password]
where Computer is the remote computer name
or IP address, Domain is the optional domain name in which
the user account is located, User is the name of the user
account whose permissions you want to use, and Password is
the optional password for the user account. For example, if you wanted to
examine directory service events on MAILER1 using the Adatam\WRStanek account,
you could use the following command:
eventquery /l "Directory Service" /s Mailer1 /u Adatam\WRStanek
Note |
If you don’t specify the domain, the current domain is
assumed. If you don’t provide the account password, you are prompted for the
The syntax can be extended to include the following format options
as well:
/Nh Removes the heading row from the output of Table- or CSV-formatted data.
/Fo Format Changes the output format, which by default is table (/Fo Table). Use /Fo Csv to format the output as comma-separated values. Use /Fo List to format the output as a list.
Where Eventquery gets interesting is in the range and filter
facilities. With ranges, you can view
The N most recent events Type /r N where N is the number of recent events to view, such as /r 50 for the 50 most recent events.
The N oldest events Type /r -N where -N is the number of the oldest events to view, such as /r -50 for the 50 oldest events.
Events from N1 to N2 Type /r N1-N2 where N1 is the first event and N2 is the last event to view, with 1 being the most recent event recorded, 2 being the next previous event recorded, and so on. For example, to see events 10 to 20 you’d use /r 10-20.
Filtering Events
One of the key reasons for using Eventquery is its ability
to use filters to include or exclude events from the result set. Typically, you
won’t want to see every event generated on a system. More often, you will want
to see only warnings or critical errors, and that is precisely what filters are
for. Using filters, you can include only events that match the criteria you
Any of the information fields available can be filtered, even if
the information field is only listed with the verbose flag (/V) and you haven’t
specified the verbose flag for the current command. This means you can filter
events by type, date time, source, computer name, event ID, category, and user.
You designate how a filter should be applied to a particular
Eventquery information field using filter operators. The filter operators
available are
Eq Equals. If the field contains the specified value, the event is included in the output.
Ne Not equals. If the field contains the specified value, the event is excluded from the output.
Gt Greater than. If the field contains a numeric value and that value is greater than the value specified, the event is included in the output.
Lt Less than. If the field contains a numeric value and that value is less than the value specified, the event is included in the output.
Ge Greater than or equal to. If the field contains a numeric value and that value is greater than or equal to the value specified, the event is included in the output.
Le Less than or equal to. If the field contains a numeric value and that value is less than or equal to the value specified, the event is included in the output.
As Table 6-1
shows, the values that can be used with filter operators depend on the event
information field you are using. Again remember that all fields are available
even if they aren’t normally displayed with the parameters you’ve specified. For
example, you can match the status field without using the /V (verbose)
Filter Field Name
Valid Operators
Valid Values
eq, ne
Any valid string of characters.
eq, ne
Any valid string of characters.
eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le
Any valid time in the format mm/dd/yy, hh:mm:ssAM or mm/dd/yy, hh:mm:ssPM.
eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le
Any valid positive integer, up to 65,535.
eq, ne
Any valid string of characters.
eq, ne
Information, Warning, Error, SuccessAudit,
eq, ne
Any valid user name, with user name only or in domain\user format.
Quotation marks must be used to enclose the filter string.
Consider the following examples to see how filters can be used:
Look for error events in the application log:
eventquery /l "application" /fi "type eq error"
Look for system log events on MAILER1 that occurred
midnight on 05/06/04:
eventquery /s Mailer1 /l "system" /fi "date gt 05/06/04,00:00:00AM"
Look for DNS server log errors on MAILER1 with event
ID 4004:
eventquery /s Mailer1 /l "dns server" /fi "id eq 4004"
Enter multiple /Fi parameters to specify that output
must match against multiple filters:
eventquery /l "system" /fi "date gt 05/06/04,00:00:00AM" /fi "typeeq error"
Here, Eventquery would examine the system logs for error events
that were created after midnight on 05/06/04. Keep in mind that filters are
mutually exclusive. You can’t specify that you want to see both error and
warning events using a single command line. You would need to enter two
different commands. One with /Fi “type eq error” and the other with /Fi “type eq
However, if you are working with a log other than security (in
which only success audit and failure audit events are logged), you can simply
specify that you don’t want to see informational events. That way, you will only
see warning and error events as shown in the following example:
eventquery /l "system" /fi "type ne information"
You can automate the event querying process by creating a script
that obtains the event information you want to see and then writes it to a text
file. Consider the following example:
@echo offeventquery /s Mailer1 /l "system" /r 100 /fi "type ne information" >\\CorpIntranet01\www\currentlog.txteventquery /s Mailer1 /l "application" /r 100 /fi "type neinformation" >> \\CorpIntranet01\www\currentlog.txteventquery /s Mailer1 /l "directory service" /r 100 /fi "type neinformation" >> \\CorpIntranet01\www\currentlog.txt
Here, you are examining the system, application and directory
service event logs on MAILER1 and writing any resulting output to a network
share on CorpIntranet01. If any of the named logs have warning or error events
among the 100 most recent events in the logs, the warnings or errors are written
to the Currentlog.txt file. Because the first redirection is overwrite (>)
and the remaining entries are append (>>), any existing Currentlog.txt
file is overwritten each time the script runs. This ensures only current events
are listed. To take the automation process a step further, you can create a
scheduled task that runs the script each day or at specific intervals during the
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