Using Variables in Scripts
In scripts, you’ll use variables to store values as you perform
various types of operations. Unlike most programming languages, you cannot
declare a variable in a command-line script without simultaneously assigning it
a value. This makes a certain amount of sense because from a practical point of
view, there’s no reason to have a variable that contains nothing. The sections
that follow discuss key concepts for working with variables, including
Variable names
Variable values
Variable substitution
Variable scope
Naming Variables
The command shell tracks variable names in the case you use
but doesn’t care about the case when you are working with the variable. This
means variable names aren’t case-sensitive but are case-aware. Beyond this, very
few restrictions apply to variable names and you can use just about any
combination of letters, numbers, and characters to form the variable name. In
fact, all the following variable names are technically valid:
But why in the world you’d want to use such horrendous variable
names is beyond me. With that said, how should you name your variables? Well,
the most important rule to keep in mind is that variable names should be
descriptive. Use names such as
These descriptive variable names are helpful when you or someone
else needs to modify the script. And notice that there are many ways to create
multiple- word variable names. Although you are free to use whatever style you
like, most programmers format multiword variable names with a lowercase initial
letter on the first word and uppercase initial letter on each subsequent word.
Why? The reason is simple: this is a standard naming convention. Following this
convention, the variable names used previously are created as
Note |
Keep in mind that the command shell doesn’t care about the
case. Variable names are case-aware but they’re not case-sensitive. This means
that you could refer to the systemName variable as SYSTEMNAME, systemname, or even sYStemNAMe.
Setting Variable Values
As discussed previously, you define new variables using the
following syntax:
set variable_name=variable_value
where variable_name is the variable name and
variable_value is its related value. Spaces are valid in
both names and values. So only use spaces around the equal sign (=) if you want
the name and/or the value to include these spaces.
Unlike many programming languages, the command shell doesn’t
differentiate between various data types. All variables are stored as character
strings. This is true even when you set the variable value to a number. Thus,
the following values are stored as strings:
Current status:311"Error!"12.75
using commands such as:
set varA=Current status:set varB=311set varC="Error!"set varD=12.75
Don’t forget that some characters are reserved in the command
line, including @ < > & | ^. Before you use these characters, you must
escape them with the caret symbol (^) as discussed in Chapter 2, “Getting the Most from the
Command Line”—no matter where they occur in the variable value. For example, to
set these literal string values:
2 & 3 = 52^3
you must set the variable value as follows:
2 ^& 3 = 52^^3
using statements such as
set example1=2 ^& 3 = 5set example3=2^^3
Note |
An odd thing happens if you try to echo the example values.
Instead of the equations you expect, you get either an error or an odd value.
What is happening here is that when you echo the value, the special characters
are reparsed. If you want to set a variable to a value that includes a special
character and also be able to display this value to users, you must use three
escape codes, meaning that you would use set example1=2
^^^& 3 = 5 or set
example2=2^^^^3. This is necessary because the value is double parsed
(once when the value is set and once when the value is
Substituting Variable Values
Variables wouldn’t be very useful if the only way you could
access them was with the SET command. Fortunately, you can access variable
values in other ways. One of these ways is to use variable substitution to
compare a variable name with its actual value. You saw this type of substitution
at work in the following line from a previous example in this chapter:
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="2" echo "An error occurred!"
Here, you are determining whether the value of the errorlevel environment variable is equal to 2 and, if it is,
you display text stating that an error occurred. The percent signs surrounding
the variable name tell the command shell you are referencing a variable. Without
these percent signs, Windows would perform a literal comparison of “ERRORLEVEL”
and “2”. Note also the use of quotation marks in the example. The quotation
marks ensure an exact comparison of string values.
Another way to use substitution is to replace a variable name with
its actual value. For example, you might want to create a script that can be run
on different computers, so rather than hard-coding the path to the system root
directory as C:\Windows, you could use the environment variable systemroot, which references the system root of the
particular computer being accessed. With this in mind, you use the following
line of code in your script:
cd %SYSTEMROOT%\System32
instead of this line of code:
cd C:\Windows\System32
You can also use variable substitution when you are assigning
variable values, such as
Variable substitution can be quite powerful. Consider the code
snippet shown as Listing 3-3.
Listing 3-3: Sample Script Header
@echo off@if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto :EXIT@if "%1"=="" (set INFO=echo && set SEXIT=1) else (set INFO=rem &&set SEXIT=0)%INFO% ************************%INFO% Script: SystemInfo.bat%INFO% Creation Date: 2/2/2004%INFO% Last Modified: 3/15/2004%INFO% Author: William R. Stanek%INFO% E-mail: ************************%INFO% Description: Displays system configuration information%INFO% Including system name, IP configuration%INFO% and Windows version.%INFO% ************************%INFO% Files: Stores output in c:\current-sys.txt.%INFO% ************************@if "%SEXIT%"=="1" goto :EXIT@title "Configure Scheduling..."clscolor 07
Listing 3-3 is a
standard header that I use in some of my scripts. The first if statement checks to see what operating system is running.
If it is Windows 2000 or later, meaning Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows
Server 2003, the script continues execution. Otherwise a goto
subroutine is called. The second if statement checks
the value of the first argument passed in to the script. If the script is called
with no arguments, instances of %INFO% are replaced with
echo, which writes the script documentation to the output.
If the script is called with one or more arguments, instances of %INFO% are replaced with rem to
designate that the associated lines are comments.
Note |
Localizing Variable Scope
Changes you make to variables in the command shell using set are localized, meaning that they apply only to the
current command shell instance or to command shells started within the current
command shell (nested command shells) and are not available to other system
processes. Further, once you exit the command shell in which variables were
created, the variables no longer exist.
Sometimes you may want to limit the scope of variables even
further than their current command-shell process. To do this, you can create a
local scope within a script that ensures any variable changes are localized to
that specific area within the script. Later, you can end the local scope and
restore the environment to its original settings.
You can mark the start of a local scope within a script using the
SETLOCAL command and then end the local scope with an ENDLOCAL command. Several
events take place when you use these commands. The call to SETLOCAL creates a
snapshot of the environment. Any changes you make within the scope are then
localized and discarded when you call ENDLOCAL. An example using SETLOCAL and
ENDLOCAL follows:
@echo offset sysCount=0set deviceCount=0rem Start localizationsetlocalset sysCount=5set deviceCount=5echo Local count: %sysCount% system edits ^& %deviceCount% devicechecksendlocalecho Count: %sysCount% system edits ^& %deviceCount% device checks
The output of the script is
Local count: 5 system edits & 5 device checksCount: 0 system edits & 0 device checks
As you can see, local scopes behave much like nested command
shells. As with the nested command shells, you can nest several layers of
localization. And though each layer inherits the environment settings of its
parent, any changes in the nested layer are not reflected in the parent
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